Forestry England

Delivering a digital communications strategy that established a coherent national brand but allowed room for regional adaptation.

About Forestry England.
Forestry England (previously the Forestry Commission), is responsible for over 1,500 forest locations nationwide.
Established 100 years ago, Forestry England exists to ensure woodlands are protected and maintained for the benefit and enjoyment of everyone, including future generations.
The organisation continues to play a vital role in promoting the recreational use of forests for health and wellbeing, protecting plants and wildlife, and providing England’s largest source of sustainable timber.
Helping to grow membership and awareness.
Forestry England approached us with ambitious goals to grow membership and brand profile and had recently embarked on a journey of digital transformation to support these ambitions.
The organisation needed a digital communications strategy that established a coherent national brand but allowed room for regional adaptation.
Our main objectives of the project were to:
- Deliver a digital strategy that will support both marketing and business goals.
- Identify opportunities to unlock new audiences and income streams through digital comms.
- Advise on the processes, process ‘owners’, and the training needed to support strategic outcomes.
It has been a pleasure to work with such a forward-thinking and ambitious organisation and we're extremely excited to see the continued success of the digital communications strategy we have delivered for them.
Alexei Lee Communications Strategy Lead, Reading Room

A plan built on insight and fit for the future.
With a huge spectrum of audiences using the forests for different reasons, we began by getting a detailed picture of how different groups interacted with the brand online and what drove them to do so.
This deep dive included:
- Stakeholder interviews and workshops to gather internal requirements and viewpoints
- Social listening and other online analytics tools to explore how forest users used digital channels and content.
- An audit of digital activity (both regionally and nationally), along with competitor benchmarking
- Digital skills assessments
- Reviewing technology, data, and processes

Getting Forestry England ready for change.
Forestry England now has a coherent and audience-centric digital strategy, covering use of digital channels, content, and technology, and how activity should be measured against objectives.
The 3-year roadmap provides the business with a flexible framework for rolling-out and expanding digital activity to support their wider organisational goals.